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Thursday, January 19, 2012

"Air" Mail

A bird, that comes in many different species, holds your mail, and you tell it where to go, and it flies!! They get trained to go all over the world, and they have visited every spot on earth!!! No more slow mail trucks!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Remember Bulb

A bulb, with different phrases like, "Go to meeting"or "Pick up kid from school". So, you get up, flick the light switch, and, there it is! The reminder is right on your wall! This idea was my third for the Astounding Inventions competition. I Really like it. It comes in other phrases too:

Go to work early.

Do homework.

Go to the party.

Go to open house.

Go to lessons.

Go shopping.

Get the gift.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Heat-up Mug

Here is a self heating mug: There is a red button, push it, and it heats up any liquid!!! It was my second idea for my Astounding Invention invention (A contest at my school), but I stuck with the Freezer-melt Ice Cream Scoop, and I won (Well, got in the finalist)!


Hi, I made and I like to do a lot of things, but inventing is one of my favorites! Here is my first idea:

Freezer-melt Ice Cream Scoop

Are you tired of having super frozen ice cream that sticks to the scoop? Well, this is your solution!The Freezer-melt Ice Cream Scoop heats up rock solid frozen ice cream.
Are you tired of when the power goes out and the ice cream melts? Well, this is your solution! The Freezer-melt
Ice Cream Scoop freezes melted ice cream! It also has a sprinkle dispenser on the handle.

How it Works

To heat it, you put a batteries in the pouch, and the electricity from the battery goes through the red wire as heat and heats up the metal scoop part of the Freezer-melt Ice cream Scoop a little bit. To freeze it, the electricity from the battery travels through the blue wire as cold and freezes the metal part of the Freezer-melt Ice Cream Scoop a little bit. The longer you hold down the heat or freeze button, the  hotter or colder and longer it freezes or heats.